May 22, 2013

My life, My Opinions.

Today I had some one send me a private message in Facebook suggesting I should just shut up and quit being a "bitch know- it- all", I should stop spreading my "F' ed up opinions, and shoving my Ann Landeresq crap down other people throats..
Interesting enough I have known this person for over 30 years.. I have, on many occasions been sought out by this person seeking compassion and support and comfort, sharing long night "fix it all" gab sessions.
LOL they should have known that I like talking about my life observations, knowing me for so long. But coming from some one I respect, I feel I must answer, so here it is.

 I have for well over 50 years, seen funny things, scary things, and important (at least to me) things I like to share.  I can't help being a wise person its just simply my nature. Being a person who, through life's journeys have experienced more than my share,  and in doing so learned many of life's lessons, I have learned to be wise.. I am often sought out by people for compassionate support and comfort.
 If those things are "landeresq" more power to it.
None of my observations, opinions, and humor is or was meant to dictate anything, or to force anyone to change who or what they are. Merely offer you a new thought, idea, or way of seeing something different. 
If in reading words I have written, spoken, or shared, you have an epiphany. Or it gives you courage or information to help you in your life,  that was the point. We learn by sharing.
   Being compassionate is simply who I am. I genuinely care and love people.
I feel deep connections to the people I love, I am not worried about superficial things like hair color, financial things, or location, I care who you are. What you feel, and what you need.
You are everything you are and should be loved and respected for your beliefs, who you love, who you have become in your lives. For me,  everything you are is loved by me.
I deeply love those of you I am close to, time and location does not matter, I loved you deeply then and I do now. To me, you are the most beautiful person/people I have ever known.
I admire your talents, courage to live your lives as you have. I am proud of all of you, and feel privileged to have been part of your lives, then and now.
  I am Maternal. Deal with it. 
That's right I mother everyone, That too is simply who I am. And as a motherly person I am aware of your needs, and will with out provocation put my arms around you and hug you, reminding you, you are a person of worth, truly loved and wanted.. I will always know when you are in need of love. I always know when you need help, reassurance, and even a stern word or two. Call it psychic or mothers intuition. Deal with it.

And as for You,  my old friend,  NO, I will not stop being a Wise Woman, giving motherly advice, showing compassion and sharing my life knowledge for I can not change who I am. Nor should I.
Instead, I will love you for who you are, for your rather abrupt opinions, and yes, to me they have value.
And also for your need to be loved unconditionally. I will love you always.


May 7, 2013

Finding Joy..

Today I heard Carol Burnett talking about the last days with her deceased daughter Carrie Hamilton, and how her daughter was able to experienced joy every day before she passed away.
 I thought a lot about that statement..'Finding Joy Every Day'.. And I realized that I didn't, not daily, in fact I can't remember when the last time I experienced any Joy.. sad to say. 
   Has my life been so rushed, or bad lately that I have no joy? It sure seems like it. And just like so many people out there I have a hell of a lot of stuff in my life to deal with. So Today I decided that I did need Joy in my life. Now just how the heck do I accomplish this?
  Thinking about it  as I was driving down the freeway on one of my many jaunts to the city, looked around at the beautiful landscape, at the clouds, and sunshine, birds flying  and flowers.
The Columbia Gorge is awesome this time of year.. And you know what, I felt a twinge of joy, sure it wasn't the rainbows, butterflies and unicorns, kind of joy, but there was something.    It's a start....and that's better than nothing.
   So, my personal goal is to try to find some wee bits and pieces of joy on a daily basis, and not feel so rushed that I can't stop, feel and see whats right there in front of me everyday.
I know,  for a lot of people that know me, I'm one of those "always up and happy people", but that's not the way I perceive myself,  I see myself like most people do, I am always lacking, always needing to improve, never quite up to snuff,  just missing the wave, or simply striving to always be a better person, and falling a wee bit short.  So taking a cue from Carrie I will see and feel joy daily. For my self. For all of you who mean so much to me, how can I not? You deserve and do I,  JOY.

                                         Carol Burnett and  her daughter Carrie Hamilton 
                          In January 2002, Carrie died of lung and brain cancer at the age of 38.