March 29, 2013

Life is a dance..

...and those who were seen dancing
were thought to be insane by those 
                          who could not hear the music...                      

     We dance.. all of us, weather its movement or simply day to day things we do, everything is a dance, we move forward and move backward, in everything. Relationships are a dance, emotional, commitment, love, hate, compromise.
     My life is a series of dances, juggling all the complicated steps I need to take to keep my family grounded and moving forward, but even then we stumble and fall, and that again is all part of the dance. We learn from stumbling and falling, those experiences allow us to learn, to grow, We learn more complicated steps, and become better people and we fly..
      In these lyrics to a John Michael Montgomery song say it in a nutshell.
 "Life's a dance you learn as you go, sometimes you lead sometimes you follow,Don't worry 'bout what you don't know,life's a dance, you learn as you go."
      I think a lot about the phrase, take one step forward and two steps back, but it should read you take two steps back, and make one forward, eventually we will all move forward, so don't let the two steps back be a negative experience, but instead a learning one, sometimes in that learning process, we find the path forward we have set ourselves on is not the right one and a correction of course is needed for happiness.
     So.. I hope you dance, don't listen to those telling you, you are insane for the joy of dance.. they just can not hear the music.


March 27, 2013

Love and respect...

 I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.  ~Jim Carrey

   A very deep and interesting statement from Mr. Carrey, what then is the answer? 
For some strange reason most of us dream of being rich and famous, why then isn't that dream worth making come true?
How about  simply that dream lacks one major thing humanity needs to make us all happy.
That's right,  just one thing..LOVE. Without Love we can't really be happy, no amount of false Fan adoration or excess funds makes happiness. 
   Granted we can justify the use of funds, and adoration to imitate love but deep down, at the end of the day, the fans, and cash flow go away. (And no you really can't buy love, not real love anyway). We as  human beings need a measure of comfort that  some one loving us affords, the deep innate need to be cared about by another life force. ( And yes, cats and dogs count),  Man or Woman, or Child.
I for one need to know that some one, out there some where loves me. No matter what, I am loved. And for me that makes it OK.  I am not sure that  having a body in a bed is all that necessary, but I do need to know that you love me. It give me a sense of security , and that no matter what, I can make it through any hardship, hateful situation, bullying, or nastiness that creep out of the dregs of life. 
I intern feel also that everyone is deserving of my love and affection, no matter who they are, or what they believe, or how they choose to live their lives, they DESERVE my love and respect. Period. No exceptions.
We see so much in the media, about marriage equality,  and the world striving for equality in all things, My personal belief is of course everyone deserves those things, and who am I to deny anyone the right to love, and family, and all the other rights afforded to any one else on the Earth.
I know so many people believe that we should pick and choose who gets those rights based on sex, color, age, or race, but truthfully no one should have the right to disallow any other human being the rights to happiness and love. Stop using the Lord as a reason NOT to allow people to love each other, Hes not the one using that voice. Dumb people are.
I love many men, and women, I have some very dear and loved friends, My love and respect for them does not depend on their sexual identity, place of residence, time, religion, or hair color.
All of you know who you are.. I love you deeply and dearly. forever.

My philosophy, if indeed I have one, is love one another, because we can, and respect each other because its right, all life is important and deserves a voice. 

March 26, 2013

Loving your pets.

                                 This is Lilly and Noddy, they are my beloved puppy kids.

Regardless of your dog’s age, you play a key role in helping him or her combat illness and remain as healthy as possible. Remember, your dog cannot describe symptoms to you, but they can show you signs of disease. Awareness of the signs of the most common diseases is one way to help reduce your pet’s risk of being affected by them. It’s a little scary to consider that 10% of pets that appear healthy to their owners and their veterinarians during annual checkups have underlying diseases.
The top 10 signs that your dog may be ill are:
  1. Bad breath or drooling
  2. Excessive drinking or urination
  3. Appetite change associated with weight loss or gain
  4. Change in activity level (e.g., lack of interest in doing things they once did)
  5. Stiffness or difficulty in rising or climbing stairs
  6. Sleeping more than normal, or other behavior or attitude changes 
  7. Coughing, sneezing, excessive panting, or labored breathing
  8. Dry or itchy skin, sores, lumps, or shaking of the head
  9. Frequent digestive upsets or change in bowel movements
  10. Dry, red, or cloudy eyes
If your best friend shows symptoms of being ill, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
                                                  This blog is dedicated to Lucy

March 20, 2013

Pay It Forward...

I have been reading several posts about paying it forward, helping those in need, and caring about humanity as a whole, I know I have said in the past that its is so easy to do these things simply because you can, how did it feel? Did you think about your act of kindness before you did it? Was it compassion the drove you to help? Did it take anything away from you to do these things? Did you expect a thank you, or payment in return? We are as a whole a "ME" society, we tend to think of ourselves, and our Families first, as well we should, but we should also think of those who don't have family, or anyone that thinks of them first, and simply act.. and in that single compassionate act we become one family, one people, and love grows. Kate

March 16, 2013


The most prolific days of your life won’t likely be easy. It’s not in the serenity of your comfort zone or the inactivity of a lazy day that drives greatness. Great demands drive the growth of great virtues. Contending with great challenges forms the foundation of greatness.

March 14, 2013


Mistakes are made to be corrected, not to be insulted. I would rather live my life with mistakes made and lessons learned than to live it full of regrets, if only and what could have been.  Do not punish yourself for mistakes you've made in the past... reward yourself for the great person those mistakes helped create.  Sometimes we have to cross the lines to appreciate what we have or to learn how to do the right things. It doesn't mean you won't cross that line again after you learn the truth. Mistakes are Human kinds way to greater learning, understanding ourselves and finding peace with in the universe. 

March 13, 2013

Save a life.

                   How to save your life if you're having a heart attack

If you have potential signs and symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 or the emergency number for your country and get immediate medical attention. By taking quick action, you may save your own life.
Even if you're not sure you're having a heart attack, call 911 or the emergency number for your country and get immediate medical attention. Taking quick action can save your life.

The United States have the most advanced medical technologies for saving lives. However, not getting prompt medical care due to denial is one of the reasons why many people die from a heart attack.

Most people don't call and get emergency help because they don't want to be embarrassed if they're wrong and they're not really having a heart attack. So, millions of people that could have been saved end up dying.

If you're wrong -- and you're actually not having a heart attack -- the paramedics will give you the option of not going to the hospital. They'll check you first to make sure you're not having a heart attack or any other health problem that requires immediate medical attention. If they're convinced that you are medically stable, you will be asked to sign a release of liability and you don't have to go to the hospital .

If you're having a heart attack, never drive yourself to the hospital emergency room. You might lose consciousness or die on your way to the hospital. If your heart attack makes it increasingly hard for you to breathe, you might crash your car and die -- even if you could have survived your heart attack with appropriate medical care.

What are potential signs that you're having a heart attack? One or more of the following classic symptoms of a heart attack require you to get immediate medical attention: Learn the signs and symptoms of a heart attack.

    Increasing shortness of breath that's not relieved with resting
    Pressure on your chest or chest pain
    Pain that's radiating to your left arm
    Nausea or even vomiting
    Abdominal discomfort that feels like heartburn, especially one that's not going away

For women, signs of a heart attack may differ from men. They can have the classic symptoms of a heart attack or at least one of the following symptoms:

    Sudden and overwhelming fatigue
    New pain to shoulders
    New back pain

If you have potential signs and symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 or the emergency number for your country and get immediate medical attention. Even if you're not sure you're having a heart attack, get checked by health care providers as soon as possible. By taking quick action, you may save your own life.
Remember..even if you THINK you may be having a heart attack..dial 911.

March 11, 2013

No Need For Fame

You don't need to be famous in order to be quoted. Use your voice; for you may never know who might be listening...Kate

March 8, 2013


lemonade stand!
lemonade stand! (Photo credit: amy.gizienski)
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But don't stop there, kick it up a notch and add cherries, blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries. You never want them to see how sour you think those lemons are.
Enhanced by Zemanta

March 6, 2013

Rainy Day Blues

 Rainy days suck.. I cant get out and walk.. I'm stuck inside with a pot of hot chocolate and cookies.

 Well Boo Hoo ..get over it.
There are lots of ways to stay fit or get your 20 minutes of exercise at home on rainy days. On days that it is raining and I can't go to the track or walk in the neighborhood, I find things to do in the house that take energy and cause me to move my body. Many of us have come to the conclusion they cannot exercise because they don't have a gym membership. News flash! You really don't need one if you are creative enough.
What can you do around the house on rainy days to get plenty of exercise?

  • Take down all your curtains from your windows and then wash all your windows on the inside. You can do the outside at a later time when it is nice outside. Make a solution of half vinegar and water, and wad up some old newspapers. There is something about newspapers that cleans windows really well. While you are washing the windows give all your mirrors the once over at the same time. Get your whole body into this exercise. Spend a good bit of time on each window and mirror. Set your spray bottle down on the floor after you spray one of the panes of glass. When you are ready to work on the next pane of glass reach down and pick up your spray bottle. Trade arms when cleaning your windows to give both arms a good work out.
  • Dusting is another good way to exercise your body. Instead of using one of those dusters that allow you to do almost nothing, dust the old fashioned way. Do you have ceiling fans? Get up on a step stool or little ladder and clean the ceiling fan thoroughly. Clean those blades really well. I like to use a commercial dust cleaner such as Endust on a rag to do my dusting. While you are at it, look for cobwebs in the corners of your ceilings. I dust the entire perimeter of my ceiling and walls with a broom and an old towel tied to it. I spray it with Endust and go over every ceiling. Occasionally I even dust my ceilings in the same way. Since I have asthma, this helps to keep the dust down. I don't dust without Endust though. Spraying Endust on my dust rag (old towel, in my case) keeps the excess dust out of the air.
  • Cleaning your cupboards and cabinets is another good way to work out. You do a lot of reaching to get all your glasses and plates out of the cupboards. I take my time removing everything from the top and bottom cabinets. This is good exercise because it causes you not only to reach, but it causes you to lift. The bottom cabinets will cause you to bend and reach. You might just want to sit on the floor or get on your hands and knees to empty out your bottom cabinets. Next wipe down all your cupboard and cabinet shelves with something like Green Works, or you can also use the vinegar and water.
  • Stripping your beds and remaking them is also a good exercise. Strip the beds and launder the sheets. Go to your linen closet and put new sheets and pillow cases on and remake your beds. Done right, this is a good exercise. Be sure to miter your corners when you put your top sheet on your beds. If you have a large family, you will have a few beds to make. This could take you up to 30 minutes in some cases. This is a great workout. Be sure not to flip those sheets. You spread germs by flipping the sheets. Take your time and place your sheets on the bed without flapping them in the air to get them to spread out.
  • Scrub the doors in your home that have handprints on them. Little kids with dirty hands tend to leave their marks on your front, back and inside doors. I don't have kids, but the doors still tend to get dirty, so I take a bottle of green works and scrub these areas.
  • Cleaning your refrigerator is great exercise. Take everything out of your refrigerator. Throw out all the science experiments you have growing in there. If the shelves come out of the fridge, go ahead and take them all out. Wash the shelves in dish detergent and let them drain while you clean the inside of your fridge. I use a weak solution of Green Works on the inside of my fridge, and then I wipe it down. Dry the shelves and place them back and replace your food items neatly back into the fridge.
  • Sweeping and mopping is another good way to burn off some calories. Take your time sweeping the floors, and then mop. I like to get down and clean the edges with a sponge. I pour a pail full of water and I also use my Green Works. I spray the corners and the perimeter of my flooring and baseboard and clean these areas by hand with a sponge. When the perimeter is cleaned I then mop the conventional way.
  • Cleaning the bathroom is a chore almost everyone hates to do, but it can be done rather quickly. Just go ahead and remove everything from the bathtub, shower, sink and toilet. Spray everything down with a really good bathroom foam or spray cleaner and let it soak for a few minutes. Go check your emails and get a cup of coffee or glass of tea while you are waiting for the bathroom to soak. When you are through with your break, go back and finish the bathroom. It will be easy to clean. Put everything back in the bathroom that you took out to clean it. I clean the inside of my toilet with the toilet wand made by Clorox. The scrubbers are a very effective way to clean the toilet. You don't have to touch anything dirty.
  • Vacuuming the carpets is another good way to work out. It's easy to do. Just move all the furniture you can to one side of the room and vacuum carefully to keep the marks looking neat. Then move the furniture back, and move the other furniture and do the same. I don't move anything really heavy, but I do move what I can. I move one chair and the end tables and coffee table an ottoman when I vacuum the living room.

I'm sure there are other things I could do on a rainy day, but that's all I can think of for now. I'm pooped now. It's time for a cold drink and some cookies.


March 5, 2013

My Personal Life...

The Gates

Standing watch at the gates.
The night sky cold in its darkening.
Too many this time of year.
My soul cries for lost light.

In the distance a flame dances.
Requiem for those lost.
Pity for those found.
Cold steel rests in my hand.

Time is fleeting the night wanders.
Stars gleaming casts no light.
Hope is lost among the weeping
Standing watch at the gates.

C 2009
Kate Fox

In the early 2000's I was privileged to write, compete with,  and publish my poetry.
 'The Gates' came from a dream I had one dark and stormy night
 after watching too many old knight in shiny armor movies. I was surprised how dark the image was in my mind. My hope is that this piece stirs experience with in you and brings images for you to explore.
From time to time I will post these pieces,  just to share. 
At present I am deep in the throws of a novel, daily making me think and feel, it is also greying bits of my hair, as I wake up from dreaming the next plot. Hopefully it to will  be published.

March 4, 2013

Just a day in the life of...

  ( this is not my Grandmother, however it is a common image from that era)

Today I am 20556 days old. 
Sounds weird huh? Well I feel old, I feel all the old age thingys that most of us senior citizens feel...

OK so I am NOT that old yet, but I do feel like I'm getting older.. as do we all, the trick is NOT to think you are old before you actually are old. 
If you feel like death warmed over, guess what.. you will be.
I often think of Both of my own Grandmothers they were told that at around 45 or so,  they are elderly and needed to act their age. So they acted old At 45 and both My Grandmothers were white haired, had dentures, wore glasses, and sounded creaky.  
At My age today, I do not have grey hair, glasses,  dentures, or any of those problems. 
I honestly believe they looked and acted old because they were TOLD they were old. A problem that was common back then. 
But  today, with better nutrition, health options, exercise choices, and general knowledge,  we tend to be healthier and look younger. Not to mention live longer.
I refuse to be old.. there fore I am not.
Age is irrelevant. Maturity IS relevant. Don't Try to be OLD. Be mature. with grace and decorum... then wear purple with polka-dots,  glow in the dark yellow tennis shoes, with orange stripped tights, and a sparkly Tiara. Basically.. feel good, be happy and live life as best you can. 
  Kate age 40.

March 1, 2013

Life and Times of a Queen.

He called me the "B" Queen of the Universe..I just looked at him and said.."back off Buddy, do you really want to tick off a hormonal Lady with the powers of the universe at her command? SERIOUSLY?" *Queen Wave*