How to save your life if you're having a heart attack
If you have potential signs and symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 or the emergency number for your country and get immediate medical attention. By taking quick action, you may save your own life.
Even if you're not sure you're having a heart attack, call 911 or the emergency number for your country and get immediate medical attention. Taking quick action can save your life.
The United States have the most advanced medical technologies for saving lives. However, not getting prompt medical care due to denial is one of the reasons why many people die from a heart attack.
Most people don't call and get emergency help because they don't want to be embarrassed if they're wrong and they're not really having a heart attack. So, millions of people that could have been saved end up dying.
If you're wrong -- and you're actually not having a heart attack -- the paramedics will give you the option of not going to the hospital. They'll check you first to make sure you're not having a heart attack or any other health problem that requires immediate medical attention. If they're convinced that you are medically stable, you will be asked to sign a release of liability and you don't have to go to the hospital .
If you're having a heart attack, never drive yourself to the hospital emergency room. You might lose consciousness or die on your way to the hospital. If your heart attack makes it increasingly hard for you to breathe, you might crash your car and die -- even if you could have survived your heart attack with appropriate medical care.
What are potential signs that you're having a heart attack? One or more of the following classic symptoms of a heart attack require you to get immediate medical attention: Learn the signs and symptoms of a heart attack.
Increasing shortness of breath that's not relieved with resting
Pressure on your chest or chest pain
Pain that's radiating to your left arm
Nausea or even vomiting
Abdominal discomfort that feels like heartburn, especially one that's not going away
For women, signs of a heart attack may differ from men. They can have the classic symptoms of a heart attack or at least one of the following symptoms:
Sudden and overwhelming fatigue
New pain to shoulders
New back pain
If you have potential signs and symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 or the emergency number for your country and get immediate medical attention. Even if you're not sure you're having a heart attack, get checked by health care providers as soon as possible. By taking quick action, you may save your own life.
Remember..even if you THINK you may be having a heart attack..dial 911.
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